
More SL Sites

A couple of participants from today's SL webinar sent in great SL sites:

From Sharon Taylor:

June 5, 2007, 1:00 PM EST

Designing Effective Asynchronous Learning in the Virtual 3D Environment

Seminar Leader: Christopher Keesey, Ohio University Without Boundaries

Ohio University has recently opened one of the first and most comprehensive virtual campuses of any research institution in the country. The campus was built in the Internet-based virtual world called Second Life. This seminar will use Second Life as a frame for discussing how virtual environments like Second Life can enhance learning through asynchronous or simulation-style exercises. Developments like Ohio University's effort demand that educators think creatively about how to exploit the potential of these kinds of resources. That is to say, how do we seize the opportunities that virtual worlds provide to drive learning forward, as opposed to simply extending the traditional classroom model of learning?

Register: http://www.uliveandlearn.com/PortalInnovate/ > http://www.uliveandlearn.com/PortalInnovate/register.cfm

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And From LisaMarie Johnson a link to the list of accepted proposals for another SL conference - http://collegeenglish.wikispaces.com/SLBPE2007AcceptedProposals
